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Glucose-dependent Insulinotropic Peptide (GIP)(Rat), Active Form (High Sensitivity)

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Sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for the determination of GIP (Active Form, Rat) in rat EDTA-plasma. For research use only, not for use in diagnostic procedures.

Incretin is a group of gastrointestinal hormones that promotes insulin secretion  from the beta cells of the islets of Langerhans after eating (glucose dependent) and it plays an important role for regulate blood glucose. GIP(glucose-dependent insulinotropic peptide) is incretin as same as GLP-1. It is 42 amino-acid polypeptide and it is secreted from K cells of small intestine by lipid stimulant. Two amino-acid at N-terminal of GIP is rapidly cleaved by DPP-4 in blood and it is inactivated to GIP (3-42). DPP-4 inhibitor that inhibits DPP-4 enzyme which cleaves GIP and GLP-1 and maintain incretin activation has been widely used as useful drug of type 2 diabetes. GIP receptors express not only in beta cell of pancreas but in various organs. It has been reported that especially GIP receptors in adipocyte involve with obesity due to the function of energy deposition. In many cases of the research of glycometabolism, various items are measured at same time and the volume of collected animal samples are limited if the blood needs to be collected in series. This ELISA kit can measure active form rat GIP (1-42) using a tiny amount of rat blood sample.

Assay Description:
60 min. incubation (RT) + Overnight (2 ~ 8°C) + 60 min. (2 ~ 8°C) + 30 min. (RT) = Overnight +2 hr. 30 min. total incubation time
Catalog number:
96 Determinations, 12x8 removable strips
None provided
Sandwich ELISA
FDA Status:
For research use only, not for use in diagnostic procedures

Click for Protocol

The protocol for this product (see above) is intended to serve as an example only. Please refer to the Instructions For Use provided with the assay kit for precise details.

Click for MSDS

Sample Types:
Sample Volume:
100 μL of properly diluted unknown / determination
7 standards, serially diluted from 1 prepared lyophilized standard
Standard Range:
0 / 0.14 - 8.80 pmol/L
0.06 pmol/L
2 - 8 °C
Additional info:

Click for Incretin Pamphlet

Method Blood Sample (Rat):

Click for Sample Instruction