Claudin-2 (C) Anti-Mouse Rabbit IgG Affinity Purify
Claudin is a transmembrane protein that 4 times goes through the membrane to be formed a gene family and a tight junction molecule that is involved in cell to cell adhesion of epithelial and endothelial cell sheets. It also gets together among several...
$567.00 -
14-3-3 η Protein Anti-Human Rabbit IgG Affinity Purify
The 14-3-3 proteins are a family of conserved regulatory molecules expressed in all eukaryotic cells. A striking feature of the 14-3-3 proteins is their ability to bind a multitude of functionally diverse signaling proteins, including kinases,...
$567.00 -
SP-A (PE10) Anti-Human Mouse IgG MoAb
Lung surfactant is a lipoprotein complex which is synthesized and secreted into the alveoli of the lung by type II pneumocytes. Its major protein component, surfactant protein-A (SP-A), is a glycoprotein with a reduced denatured molecular mass of 35 kDa,...
$608.00 -
Presenilin-1 (17C2) Anti-Human Mouse IgG MoAb
The presenilin 1 (PS1) gene was identified as the gene that harbors mutations that cause this type of FAD (termed AD3). PS1 is a novel 467-aa long integral membrane protein localized to intracellular membranous compartments, especially the endoplasmic...
$567.00 -
Galectin-3 (87B5) Anti-Human Mouse IgG MoAb
Galectin is widely distributed in nematodes, insects, and porifers, as well as vertebrates, and it has also been found to be present in true fungi. Galectin does not just occur in the cytoplasm, it is also present in the nucleus, on the cell surface, in...
$567.00 -
Endothelin-B Receptor (8Z11) Anti-Human Mouse IgG MoAb
ET-A receptor is ET-1 specific and expressed in lung, aorta, atrium, liver, muscle, cerebral cortex, cerebellum, kidney, adrenal, duodenum, colon and placenta at the mRNA or cDNA level, while ET-B receptor lacks isopeptide specificity and is found in...
$567.00 -
CRMP-2 (N3E) Anti-Human Mouse IgG MoAb
CRMP-2 (Collapsin response mediator protein-2) is highly expressed in the developing nervous system and identified as protein involved in Semaphorin 3A (Collapsin-1) intracellular signaling. It is reported that the mutation of unc-33, a Caenorhabditis...
$567.00 -
Amyloid Beta (N3pE) (8E1) Aβ Anti-Human Mouse IgG MoAb 1
The first case of Alzheimer's disease (AD) was reported by Dr. A. Alzheimer, the German neuropathologist in 1907. The plaques which appear in the brains of AD patients mostly consist of Amyloidβ protein and it has been considered as...
$136.00 -
Amyloid Beta (N3pE) (8E1) Aβ Anti-Human Mouse IgG MoAb
The first case of Alzheimer's disease (AD) was reported by Dr. A. Alzheimer, the German neuropathologist in 1907. The plaques which appear in the brains of AD patients mostly consist of Amyloidβ protein and it has been considered as...
$567.00 -
Anti-Titin-N (144A2) Mouse IgG MoAb
Titin (connectin) is a protein that consists of 34,350 amino-acid and specifically expresses in a cross-striated muscle. The molecular weight of human titin is 3,816 kDa and it has been known that as the largest protein among of existing proteins in a...
$567.00 -
Anti-Titin-N (53A1) Mouse IgG MoAb
Titin (connectin) is a protein that consists of 34,350 amino-acid and specifically expresses in a cross-striated muscle. The molecular weight of human titin is 3,816 kDa and it has been known that as the largest protein among of existing proteins in a...
$567.00 -
Anti-HA-tag (6B3) Mouse IgG MoAb 1
HA-tag is a synthetic peptide corresponding to 9 amino acid residues (YPYDVPDYA) of the influenza virus hemagglutinin (HA). HA-tag is widely used as an epitope tag for the fusion protein. Using an anti-HA-tag antibody, HA-tag fusion protein can be...
An antibody is an immunoglobulin protein capable of specific combination with an antigen/hapten that has elicited and induced an immune response. Antibodies are produced by B cells in response to presence of antigen/hapten.